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College Writing

University instructors and GED Scholars turned writing professionals have all conducted this workshop segment. The main purpose of this section is to empower Bridges participants as writers. Leaders give writing prompts to the participants to encourage and complement their writing. Hands-on exercises, read alouds and peer review of their work takes place during this part of the workshop. Potential students are given an article, Plagiarism Consequences in College, about the implications of plagiarism and the availability of campus writing resources. Students are given an actual GEDSI scholarship application and asked to answer the writing prompt “Describe the journey you’ve taken to obtain your GED. What have you done and are willing to do to become a successful college student?” Participants work on this prompt during the writing section and save it to their flash drives. Participants have the opportunity to send their rough drafts to a GEDSI project assistant for review, suggestions and edits.

Activities Students can complete a series of activities on plagiarism in the Plagiarism WebQuest. A knowledge rating scale, an online tutorial and an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge by citing works for two mock assignments are also part of this WebQuest.

Kent State University

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