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Financial Aid

A high percentage of students’ questions center around how they will be able to afford college. Many are first generation students and don’t have role models in their lives that have navigated the university system previously. It is important for prospective students to understand what the financial aid process is and how it works at Kent State. On the first day of the workshop, we invite a Student Financial Aid University Partner to talk with students about financial aid. The representative provides university financial aid packets, clarifies and dispels any misunderstandings students may have acquired before coming to the university. Many incoming students have heard of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), but are unsure about how to complete this form. At the end of the first day, participants go online to request their FAFSA PIN Number so that they can work with a financial aid counselor on Thursday to complete the application. At this time, Financial Aid talks about the importance of satisfactory academic progress and how academic distress can affect their financial aid.

Kent State University

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